How important is it to you to live in a safe, welcoming and supportive community? If so, we invite you to renew or start your membership in the Mount Vernon Civic Association (MVCA).
Annual dues are minimal, but critical to achieving these goals.
MVCA is currently led by nineteen of our neighbors, who volunteer to serve as Officers, Directors and Community Chairs:
- They lead MVCA efforts to protect our health and public safety, organize Neighborhood Watch patrols, and coordinate our Block Captains.
- They also help us stay current on Fairfax County education, public finance, planning and zoning, environment, air traffic noise and other issues.
All of us are needed, however, to support this work. We ask our current members, as well as those who have not yet had the chance to join us, to support our community by paying $25.00 in annual dues. The dues are vital for us to continue our services and will pay for:
- The MVCA Newsletter, which is mailed quarterly to your home, updating you on issues in our community that are most important to you.
- The MVCA website, which contains a treasure trove of information about our community, including downloadable newsletters.
- Four meetings a year, with presenters speaking on issues of local concern. These meetings also provide a chance to visit with your neighbors and enjoy pizza and drinks.
- Our annual free community picnic, when COVID requirements are met.
- Our dues in the Mount Vernon Council of Citizens' Associations which represents our interests and concerns before the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors.
- Printing and mailing to you our 100 page, 2025 MVCA Directory, which lists every member of our community and their contact information. Only dues - paying MVCA members receive our Directory.
- ONLINE in 2 easy steps: Pay dues using Paypal and complete the Online Membership Form (see links below); or
- PRINT and MAIL: Fill out the Membership Form and a check for $25 (payable to: Mount Vernon Civic Association) and mail to:
Mount Vernon Civic Association
PO Box 61
Mount Vernon, VA 22121